
Posts Tagged ‘imagine by lennon’


Google’s doodle in India today pays homage to Jawaharlal Nehru’s historic ‘tryst with destiny’ speech in Parliament on August 15, 1947. “At the stroke of today’s midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.”

Have we woken up, 70 years since, to life and freedom? What is the sense of the nation among us Indians? Have we shown any concern for the freedom won after a century-long struggle that saw many lives lost? How have we taken the country with the freedom won on Aug 15?

Yes, most of us are patriotic. But what is patriotism? Is it the high we get watching a sport played between India and another country, where India is winning? Is it the outrage experienced when Pak or China threatens our physical borders? Or the shame when India under-performs at the Olympics? Or, the pride in talking about a glorious past?

I believe it must be measured in how we as citizens conduct our lives through the day. At work, at home, at public places. How many of us can say truthfully that we have done our duty to the best of our ability? Without diluting it. Without twisting it to suit our needs. Without any compromise. Without the national ‘chalta hai’ attitude.

I have often wondered if a sense of complacency most Indians have in going through life is part of the regional genetic heritage, or due to acceptance of defeat at the hands of a humongous corrupt and ineffective system?  Why, for instance, do we have so few achievers, despite every one out five humans on the planet being an Indian? Is it the overall climate that encourages contentment? A contentment that some call laziness. Or is it the spiritual blessing of the land where competing with the other, feeling important about achievements, material pursuits, etc are not as important as peace within?

Not sure, but we sure are different from our western counterparts and their highly individualistic thinking. Good or bad, I am not sure again.

But yes, I sure am thankful to have been born in this land which automatically confers on one a certain value, a way of thinking, a way of life so unique and truly liberating. To that extent I am patriotic. But not for me the jingoism of the flag and nation. This is no disrespect to the people who do, or to the ones serving in the defence forces. Simply, each to his own.

I subscribe to Lennon’s Imagined world with no borders. What a dream to roam and mingle freely (like our ancestors once did)! From there to a universe with no borders, where one can travel at speed of light from one corner to the other, through wormholes or rat holes, greet other life forms, seen or sensed.  A celebration that never ends. A world where we can be proud of each other rather than just oneself. That is one tryst with destiny I would love to see.


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